The tale of two chick planning their trip to Italy and Greece and all our other adventures along the way.

2 Chicks

2 Chicks

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Hit or Miss Idea

Just a brief overview...

I've been to quite a few cities and many trips throughout the US, and I'm definitely "that traveler". You know the one I'm talking about. The traveler who obsessively researches every minute detail of where they will be going.
Hotels, restaurants, attractions, off the grid hot spots, anything and everything.

TripAdvisor, Yelp, Urbanspoon-I check them all.

Trust me, I have learned my lesson about NOT checking reviews before booking hotel rooms.
(hotel behind a strip club, anyone?) That is a WHOLE other post. Trust me.

I've decided to do a post about each city, or trip (we sometimes hit multiple cities in one vacation) and give a brief description of our trips, along with some highlights.

I will not bore you with every detail but I will, however, do a "Hit or Miss" for each post.
The places and activities that, we felt, were worth or not worth seeing or doing.

I look forward to giving you the first installment of  "Tuesday's Travels" next week!

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