The tale of two chick planning their trip to Italy and Greece and all our other adventures along the way.

2 Chicks

2 Chicks

Monday, June 30, 2014

She does exist!

Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I've yet to post in this blog!

You will soon learn, had you not already, that I am most definitely a REAL, LIVING PERSON (she really does exist) No, Amber did not make me up, though I'm not certain if she doesn't have any other imaginary friends :-)

Now a little bit about me: My name is Paula and I am a PROCRASTINATOR. There, I said it. DO not judge me,

I am also a wife to my husband of 12 years, Patrick; a step-mother to two great kids- Blake 17, Makayle 14-; I'm 32 years old and I work for a locally owned bank in my little hometown in Oklahoma! Population around 8,000.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to travel, and I have been to many awesome cities in this wonderful country of ours. I will definitely be putting in some time in the near future to tell you all about my adventures!

I am a runner and I love it (read: when I feel like it)  I love doing 5ks! I've also done one half-marathon.

I am a new yoga enthusiast! Circa November 2013! As you will soon learn, I love yoga and I am just a little, teensy, weensy obsessed with it.

 I'm an incredibly busy bee, as I'm sure most of you are, and I look forward to blogging for you and hearing any feedback that you may have. I'm new to this blogging thing, so please be patient (you will have to be, waiting on my procrastinating self) and bear with me.

I look forward to my next adventure, in 10 days, with Amber and cannot wait to tell you all about it.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Tumbleweeds and Spanish Moss

Ok, I don't know if there will be either tumbleweeds or Spanish moss when Paula and I take some of our kids to San Antonio next week.  Hopefully, there will be moss, but no weeds!  We've been ready to get away and do something for a while now.  Thankfully, we got the opportunity to take a few of our kids (two of mine, one of hers) on a summer vacation.   We're only going to be there for 3 days, but I'm very excited about those three days. 

Paula has been to San Antonio a few times, but I never have. It's about a 9 hour drive from where we live so it's going to be a long, fun road trip.  My kids don't see the 9 hours as an adventure, they just want to get there as quickly and quietly as possible.... but they know their mother and know it's going to be anything but quiet!

My little man broke his thumb in two in a bicycle wreck two days before school let out for summer break.  Since then, he's had three casts, a surgery, and pins put in.  This week he finally gets his cast and pins out!  Poor kid hasn't even been able to swim yet this year.  When this kid decides to do something, he goes all out!  He's more excited than any of the kids, though you can't tell from the photo.

Of course, Paula being more organized and efficient than anyone else on the planet, has our trip planned out!  SeaWorld, the Alamo, the riverwalk, the market, stops along the way.  We're going to have a blast with these kids! 
Paula and I will be doing a vlog of our trip and giving any tips on things to do and places to see (or not see) while we're there.  See you soon!